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Network card TP-LINK Archer TX55E

(1 reviews) Make Review
6 890 Da

Plug this TP-Link Archer TX55E card into an available PCIe slot on your PC to upgrade. The TP-Link Archer TX55E offers AX3000 Wi-Fi speed (2402 Mbps on the 5 GHz band and 574 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band) as well as Bluetooth 5.2.

AX3000 Wi-Fi 6 PCI Express Card + Bluetooth 5.2

Plug this TP-Link Archer TX55E card into an available PCIe slot on your PC to upgrade. The TP-LinkArcher TX55E offers Wi-Fi 6 AX3000 throughput (2402 Mbps on the 5 GHz band and 574 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band) as well as Bluetooth 5.2. TheArcher TX55E is the ideal choice for HD video streaming, online gaming or any other bandwidth-intensive task.


  • Wi-Fi 6 speed of up to 2402 Mbps (5 GHz) + 574 Mbps (2.4 GHz)
  • Reliable connections: Intel's Wi-Fi 6 chipset delivers faster Wi-Fi to unlock the full potential of your Wi-Fi 6 router
  • Wider signal coverage: Connect to your Wi-Fi in multiple parts of your home with two external high-gain antennas for greater coverage and stability.
  • Bluetooth 5.2: Bluetooth technology with faster speeds and wider coverage than the previous version
  • Enhanced security: The latest WPA3 security enhancements provide stronger protection for personal passwords.
  • Dedicated heat sink and gold plating are designed to improve stability and reliability, even in hot environments.
  • Backward compatibility: Full 802.11ac/a/b/g/n support
  • Low profile bracket supplied

Customer Reviews

2024-10-27 23:10

المنتوج كما هو الوصف، سرعة احترافية شكرا

5.0 sur 5

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